The Full Story
I have had ACD'S (Australian Cattle Dogs) Since 1988 when I purchased my first AKC
registered male in Klamath Falls OR. MCKAY'S RUSTY BRUT AMBER GUYNES INN.
My boys loved him to death, and he was their self- appointed protector. I decided that I
wanted to breed these dogs not only as great cattle dogs but also as great family dogs.
It took me several years to find just the right female she had to have the looks and the
personality I wanted in my dogs. In 1996 I found a Female that had everything I was looking
for in Bonanza OR. We purchased MCKAY'S RUBY RED SQUIRT (the name was my son's
Idea I bet you can't guess what he was drinking) at that time I did not know there were several
different registries. And when I finally got her papers she was NSDR (National Stock Dog)
registered but by then it was too late, she had already became a part of our family so we
registered Rusty with NSDR and started breeding. Ruby and Rusty had 3 litter's (24) pups
together before we decided to retire Rusty in 1999. We kept one pup form the last breeding so
we could keep his bloodline.
NSDR registered ROBINSON'S SQUIRT was born in July 1998 she is the pup from Rusty &
Ruby she is a nice dog with a good build and a good personality. We moved from Burns OR to
Sheridan OR. In Aug. 1998 and My parents moved in with us and my dad fell in love with
Squirt so I gave her to him, (since she still lived with us). She was breed to our new Male
Squirt passed away in fall 2011
NSDR registered MCKAY'S PEPSI (yep you guessed it Lucas again) I Purchased him in
Portland OR. His papers were not ready yet when I purchased him. It took me almost two
years to get his paperwork. And when I finally received his paperwork and found that the
seller lied about his pedigree I neutered him.
AKC registered MCKAY'S DR. PEPPER'S BLUE DIAMOND HOBO (do you see a pattern
here) was purchased from WA. To replace Pepsi in the breeding program Doc was a great dog
wonderful personality & conformation, he was friendly kind loving and super smart. He was
poisoned in 2004
NSDR registered MCKAY'S FRESCA is the pup I keep form Squirt & Doc's last litter Squirt
was spayed in 2005 Fresca is so much like her grandma Ruby it is great. She is a nice dog
traditional heeler look of Rusty & Dew. But fine boned like Ruby
AKC registered CH. MCKAY'S MOUNTAIN DEW CODE RED was purchased in 2005 in
WA to replace Doc. Dew is a great dog wonderful personality he loves to play ball but he also
loves to lay on your feet he is very easy going. I think he is the best male cattle dog I have had.
A real class clown with a nice pedigree. I tried to match his pedigree to that of sierra for show
quality stock dogs while still maintaining the personality of the family dog that I have grown to
love. Dew earned his title in July of 08 while being shown by his breeder Linda Conroy of
Spurs N Spokes. Dew was neutered in July 2011 and is living with his new family in Bandon
loving being retired
AKC registered LAKOTA MCKAY'S SIERRA MIST was purchased form Crocked
Mountain Ranch OR. In 2004 In response to your request to bring the AKC back into my
breeding program She is out of champion stock dogs and has a lineage of who is who in the
show ring. Dew & Sierra produced AKC show quality pups. Sierra died suddenly spring 2006
I miss her every day but I did keep one of her pups close.
AKC registered 7UP MOUNTAIN MIST RN is the pup form Sierra & Dew. She is smart and
friendly just like her parents. She is owned by Jennifer Choate and has been showing since the
spring of 07. I have retained visitation and breeding rights so watch for her pups HER FIRST
LITTER IS HERE JAN 6 2009 7up is also now titled RN.
AKC registered MCKAY'S PEPSI JAZZ Was purchased from Call me Farms in Florida.
AKC registered JONES BLU BBLGUM is a 1/2 Brother to Sierra Mist. He is built like a
brick house with a nice head I gave him to my son Travis. And they are inseparable
NSDR registered 6pk's mckay's PEPSI MAX is my new NSDR breeder she will continue
my original line of Cattledogs and replace Fresca in the breeding program. She is built like a
tank she is out of Fresca & Jones.
of AKC show & Breeding dogs they are proving to be outstanding in the show ring and so far
all her health clearances are looking good! She is the daughter of 7up mountain mist & CH
Castle Butte Wyatt Earp They will be my new Line!
AKC registered CH 6PK'S SIERRA MIST CRANBERRY SPLASH Is my other puppy
from 7's litter. I think you can see why I just could not let ether one of these puppies go they
are both outstanding in conformation and personality! I truly believe that they are going to take
my Kennel into a higher level of quality AKC Champion dogs.
AKC registered GCH CH 6pk's Barqs is my pick of the litter form an out breeding to
Dew he was supposed to be a female but with a litter of 6 males he was shown and then
sold to a show/breeder home I retained breed backs to him for future use!
AKC registered 6Ppk's Spaders Red Flash is from Brett Spader's in KS
AKC registered 6pk's DR. Pepper Buckaroo is from Buckaroo kennels in IN. As a
stud dog doc was outstanding he produced 2 AKC CH for me with a few more on there
way to there CH. Fanta, Zieva & Mel are just 3 of the pups I keep out of doc.
AKC registered CH 6pk's Fanta 911& 6pk's DR. Zieva, Are Doc & Splash
puppies that are showing and breeding in my kennels after retiring Splash & Dash.
AKC registered 6pk Buckaroo's Rainy day Brew is a full sister to Doc. When Sherri
told me she was re-homing her I know she had to come here to 6pk But with having her
brother here I sent her off to Dawn at South Fork Blues to live with Barqs and produce
phenomenal puppies!
AKC registered 6pk's Seagrems Jamaican Me Happy Is a grand daughter of Dash
although she is not a pup I choose circumstances were that she belonged here, After
being purchased by someone who did not like her and her other breeder refusing to take
her back I stepped in and purchased he, And she is home here.
AKC registered 6pk's Coke Cola Cowboy (Mel) Is a stud dog out of Doc and
Kimber (an outside bitch) he was just to nice of a boy to let him be sold to a pet home.
AKC registered Timber Twin Turbo is my new stud dog from Timber Kennels in GA.
I purchased Turbo so I had something to breed to all of my Doc babies.
AKC registered 6pk's Sobe Midnight Mojito is my Barqs Rainy pup I cant wait to
see what the does for my kennels!
This is my ACD story. I have had several dogs over the years some great, and some not so
great. Some of them did not make it into the breeding program due to their temperaments; I am
looking for great family dogs, not just great working dogs, in a of colors variety & builds so
that I am able to meet your expectations for this breed. I am also working on breeding the best
show dogs I can for conformation, agility & obedience. I want these dogs acknowledged for
all that they are! Not just herding, working & Family. We also test all our adults and there are
CHIC Numbered as soon as they are old enough! Testing starts at 6 months old with there
prelims and then again at 2 years for there certification.
(This breed will not grow up and eat your children it will die protecting them)
I started showing dogs in 2007 thanks to Jennifer Choate she took 7up and started showing
her just to keep her socialised. I never had any interest in the show ring but since I had one of
my dogs in it I went to watch her. And went WOW that is easy Hum. 7up went Best of Breed
at her first show. So I entered 7's sire Dew and the competition was on 7 & Dew showed and
went back and forth winning. It got into my blood and now is a big part of my kennels. Since
we were attending so many shows. We decided that we had to earn money at the shows. So
we started the CARE Hearing business doing BAER hearing testing at all the dog shows in
Oregon & Idaho.
The more I Breed, Show, Test, Love and live with this breed of dog the more certain that I am
that they are truly the best breed of dog in the world! BUT they are not all equal and bad
breeders do produce bad dogs. Lack or health testing & inbreeding has produced ACD'S that
are not good. So as with anything do your research and check out your breeder & kennel to
insure that you get the very best of the breed!